Companion Project Archive


This work is an archive of all of the work of the 'Companion Project'. In this piece I tried to make both a collection of all of the experiments, research and outcomes involved in creating the project combined with the information and recipes collected along the way.

Similar to the seeds of knowledge created to share the project I wanted this piece to act as a manual and recipe for the work. This time using the format of a book, reminiscent of the many cookbooks and manuals I used while creating the 'Companion Project'.

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The Sausage of the Future - Carolinen Niebling

I really liked this book for it’s mixture of extremely interesting visuals with a very scientific look at sausages.

I felt it would be interesting to use processes involved in scientific research while looking into bread in my work

Sonntag - A. Schiesser and A. Gertler

This book is an account of a series of events which two artists hosted in their apartment. These events would feature a selected artist who would display their work. However the main focus was the sharing of the artist’s favourite cake with the audience. This cake was made by the two artists hosting the event and this book collects their thoughts and experiences about the events.

I really liked both the theme and format of this book. I felt it would be interesting to include recounts of events or exhibitions which I create around my work, conversations and research.

Food Court - Maddy Angstreich

I was introduced to this work by a friend. This book was made by a girl for her final piece of work in her BA. She was looking at American Food Culture and the different aspects and area of it. I found her mixture of imagery and text really interesting as well as playful and informative.

Whole Earth Catalogue - Stewart Brand

I was also introduced to Whole Earth Catalogue, I really loved the aims of these catalogues to instruct and disucss. I also really liked the visuals in these and took a lot of inspiration from the layouts and style choices.

Companion Project Book - My Own Work

I started to put together designs with my own imagery based on The Whole Earth Catalogues.

Different Design Ideas

I put together different layouts and printing techniques that I was interested in for my book.

Palmpasen Broodhaantje

In a discussion with a lecturer she brought up how she used to walk around with a bread shaped as a chicken during Easter. I was really interested in this traditional use of bread and my lecturer found that this was based on a Dutch Tradition. It was at this point that I felt it would be more interesting to use the book as an archive of the Companion Project. Coleecting, discussing and archiving the work involved in the project, the research and information and recipes that was shared.

I am Dora - Claire Huss

I felt it would be interesting to print this book with different sized pages, paper and colour. I wanted the materials in this book to be resuable, something that can be added to, removed and shared. Similar to a cookbook.

Companion Project Book - My Own Work

I started to work on combining the visuals and information. I wanted this to be simple to let the work stand out by itself.

Test book layout

Companion Project Book - My Own Work

I also took images to use in the book of recipes and works around comfort in the home through bread, traditional and protected recipes and the methods involved in making bread. These were all themes that I had started to deal with in my research for the Companion and I wanted to include and expand on this. I was really interested in exploring these themes more in depth and felt these were very important to the project as they represented breads role to us at home and why people turned to baking so much bread during quarantine for comfort.

The images I made from this included making furnishings out of bread to provide comfort. For this I created a wall to work for photographs in which I wanted to be on a white background. I was also able to use this as a fake ceiling for other photos.

Bread as light

Constructed ceiling/wall

Bread as photograph

Companion Project Book - My Own Work

I also included all of the bread recipes I had collected throughout the project. These came from family and friends, from me approaching people and from exhibitions I had which showcased some of this work.

When it came to the final layout of the book I wanted it to be simple and to really highlight the different sections of the project. Like a manual for this project to share with others.

I’m really happy I made this book I am a big fan of artist made books and really enjoyed the process of bringing everything together like a retrospective. I also felt the medium of a book really suited the work and was a very effective method for sharing the work for future use.

Collected recipes